Colour Theory In Interior Design: What You Need To Know?

Colour is one of the key elements in interior design that greatly influences the mood of a space. A well-chosen colour scheme for your entire home or commercial property can revitalise any space. A simple coat of paint can enhance cohesion, ignite passion, and pack you with enthusiasm and vigour. How does a place make you feel when you walk in? Is there a feeling of serenity that surrounds you? Do you feel charged up to face the day or a sense of sluggishness? Colours can make or break a space in the real sense of the term. Let’s read more about the importance of colour theory in interior design: 

The Role of Colour For Homes Or Any Commercial Space 

Colour is critical in shaping the atmosphere and appeal of cafés, boutiques, and hotels. The right colour can surely add liveliness to any space by enhancing a person’s experience. A well-calculated and thoughtfully considered colour selection helps to harmonise furnishings and finishes, creating a cohesive and inviting environment. Homeowners can take inspiration from lifestyle magazines, home décor blogs, videos, and of course, the professional interior designing specialists who can suggest the best colours and offer great advice for sprucing up interiors. 

In spaces like cafés, boutiques, and hotels, colour is not just about aesthetics; it defines the mood of the space. When you bank on a top interior design studio, the professional designers are aware of the vision and visual appeal of the brand, as well as the dimensions and layout of the area, which help in planning right. Choosing the apt shades to reach the right customers is absolutely crucial. 

Opt for Three Colours While Sprucing Up A Space 

The "60-30-10" rule is a great guide for selecting a colour scheme. This approach usually consists of employing three different colour schemes to enhance the look of any space and make it appealing: 

  1. Main Colour (60%): Well, this should be the main focus of interior design. This should dominate a space, covering walls and large surfaces to make it the main centre of attraction. It is the deciding factor to enhance the overall ambiance of any space. Choose what tickles your fancy and you should consult the best professional designers for the best output.  
  2. Secondary Colour (30%): The next focus must be on choosing the right secondary colour to complement the main colour. Use this for elements like furniture, curtains, or doing up different nooks and corners. It will accentuate the main colour and add depth. Soft pastels or beige, pearly white, taupe, earthy tones are trending. 
  3. Accent Colour (10%): If you want to enhance and add more to a space, consider choosing an accent colour in décor items like lamps, cushions, or artwork to present visual interest and emphasize key features. Having an accent wall is really cool. Canary yellow, burnt orange, emerald green, dark grey, aqua blue, greenish golden is having their moment now in the interior design scene. 

Thus, the rule means it’s good to have a structured palette, but you can combine various types of three basic colours to create uniformity in the spaces that you choose to paint. 

The Colour Wheel 

A colour wheel can be extremely useful when it comes to learning how colours relate to each other and thus establish the right mood. It depicts a circle where all the colours of the visible light are arranged from red to violet. This aids in describing appropriate colour relations of colour combinations. The colour wheel solves the problem of placing primary and secondary colours. 

The colour wheel is quite useful for determining the right colour scheme. As for the exterior design, it assists with the examination of colour schemes that bring positive feelings to a space. While following colour schemes suggested by the wheel can lead to pleasing results, don't hesitate to introduce accent colours to add vibrancy and personality to the design. Use the wheel as a guide to create balanced and inviting environments. You can always consult professional interior designers for the best results. 

The knowledge of colour psychology is important if you want to achieve a nicely balanced environment. Colours are important and associated with moods, perception, and atmosphere; vital in designing a comfortable space that embodies cohesion. So, get in touch with the best interior design studio in Singapore today!